Privacy Policy is an educational website which sharing knowledge indeed.

Therefore we are not use this website for any commercial purpose.

So we always try to give our users a quality as well as trusted information related to their queries.

We always protect our users privacy who use this educational website.

Most important thing is that we are not collect any personal information from our users.

Moreover we are not collect any highly sensitive information such as Bank details, personal Addresses , contact numbers.

If you are using this website for your knowledge, please don’t share your sensitive information as well as passwords.

Our service is 100% for free and not collecting funds either.

Therefore we recommend not to provide your bank details or credit card details while you are using this website.

If you can experience any prompt up message while you are using this website with asking your credit card details, that’s not us.

Information we are asking

As we mentioned before we just use this website only for educational as well as knowledge sharing purpose only.

So this website open for users to asking their questions and we are highly affiliated to provide appropriate replies as soon as possible.

We can make an open conversations as well as private conversations related to particular quarries according to users concern only.

Therefore relevant information that need to provide our immediate replies we need related to the environment.

How to protect you provided information

We are not keeping your information as a data collection.

But if you are a part of public conversation related to your quarries , your identity will be display on the relevant conversation area as long as this website is existing.

But if you request from us to remove your participation or you remove your participation by yourself , your information will be removed without any harming on your privacy indeed.

Children’s privacy

We don’t recommend our information sharing platform for children’s who are under 18 years old.

If you are below above age limit , we highly recommend to use your private conversations protocols directly with us without participating with public conversations indeed.

If so we can provide yo our service after identified your identity and within your age limit.

If you are not following our Children’s privacy policy terms and conditions, we do not take any responsibility about your privacy that might be damage.